Director Tribal Affairs

  • In its consistent efforts towards achieving overall prosperity and development of Tribal people residing in different parts of the State especially in the hilly areas, the government created a separate Directorate of Tribal Affairs in the month of July, 2008. The main objective of creation of this Directorate is to give an integrated and focused approach for the development of the marginalised section of the society “the Scheduled Tribe” who have lagged behind in all the shades of their life because of the factors may be historical, territorial and even natural.

  • The Directorate of Tribal Affairs has been created by the government for the implementation of welfare and development schemes related to the scheduled tribe community in a integrated and planned manner. The Directorate of Tribal Affairs shall strive to uplift the standard of living of Scheduled Tribes in the State. Following are the important areas of operation of this Directorate:-

    • Design and development programmes that will appropriately address the concerns of the Scheduled Tribes in the country.

    • Attempt to establish, jointly with State Government as well as on its own, mechanisms to introduce efficiency in the implementation of these programmes.

    • Establish effective monitoring systems that will enable proper mid-course correction wherever necessary.

    • Conduct periodic evaluation of schemes and programmes and consider and apply the recommendation for bringing about programme improvement.

    • The Tribal Development schemes which were being implemented by the Directorate of Tribal Affairs J&Kare as under:-

    1. Post-Matric Scholarship to ST Students.
    2. Book Bank Scheme for ST students.
    3. Constriction of Hostels for ST Boys/Girls.
    4. Eklavaya Model Residential Schools.
Scholarship scheme for Promoting Literacy among STs.

  • The department is implementing various State/Central Schemes for educational upliftment of students belonging to Scheduled Tribes. The State is providing Pre-Matric Scholarship to Gujjar Bakerwal students in the State. The Department also implements Central Sponsored Scheme of Post-Matric Scholarship for the students belonging to Scheduled Tribe population.

  • During the year 2014-15 an amount of Rs.1375.73 lacs stands incurred under Post-Matric Scholarship to ST students by covering 8925 students.

Criteria for disbursement of Pre-Matric Scholarship

The existing rate of stipend under Post Matric Scholarship Scheme

Funds released/utilised under SCA to TSP

Two Eklavaya Model Residential Schools are under construction

Schemes for Development of Scheduled Tribes.

  • The Central Schemes of development viz; SCA to TSP and Article 275 (1) of the Constitution of India by way of additional central assistance (ACA) and Central Assistance are implemented for SCs/STs in the State. The beneficiaries/development works under these schemes are identified by the Distt. Advisory Boards, which is co-ordinated by the DDC, keeping in view the requirements in accordance with the guidelines governing these schemes. The main objective and scope of SCA to TSP, which was originally meant for filling up of the critical gaps in the family-based income generation activities of the TSP, has now been extended to cover the employment-cum income generation and the infrastructure incidental thereto not only to the family-based activities for also to the Self Help Groups /community. Out of the total allocation 30% can be utilized for infrastructure development and 70% for income generation units.

New Initiatives

  • The Government of Jammu & Kashmir has established a separate Department of Tribal Affairs to deal with the matters related to tribal population. In order to strengthen the newly created department, the Govt. is contemplating to establish Offices at District Level for strengthening implementation and monitoring of the schemes/programmes for development of these under privileged society living in far flung and hilly areas.

  • A newly Centrally Sponsored Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme to ST students will be launched in the State during the current financial year 2015-16 through Directorate of Tribal Affairs which will facilitate the students under the ST category to avail the scholarship .

  • Similarly, the GOI has launched Centrally Sponsored Scheme, ” Institutional Support for Development and Marketing of Tribal products/Produce” which will be implemented through ST Development Corporation.

Organisation Chart of Directorate Tribal Affairs

ll the Contents provided, maintained and updated by the Tribal Affairs Department,
Jammu and Kashmir Government